Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Simplifying our lives

Ε. F Schumacher said once: «Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius, and a lot of courage, to move in the opposite direction.» And it’s true. We live in a society full of intelligent fools trying to simplify their lives, while ending up making them even more complex. We shouldn’t leave ourselves out of this counting though. It seems that we are all links of the same heavy chain.

We have reached at a point of wasting our energy and money on redundant things. Our lives and houses are full of useless objects, our mobile phones are full of "contacts", but it seems that we need more and more communication. How nice it would be if we could observe the great example of nature : Everything happens for a reason , money doesn't buy anything , life is simple and energy is precious.

On a daily basis, life would be a lot more pleasant and closer to the real meaning of  “well-being”, as ancient Greeks defined it, if it was characterized by simplicity. If we were released , for example, from all those stressful thoughts that torture us everyday, if we were closer to nature, if we could find the balance between the instinct of survival, and our desires. If our targets were aiming for pure freedom.
Unfortunately though, the human nature is not simple. It is an endless farrago of needs, impulses, pleasures and phobias, that all together synthesize a specific way of life. What is more, we are always surrounded by people that influence us consciously or subconsciously : our family , friends , partners and co-workers create an invisible web of social pressure around us. It is a true temptation, indeed, to receive compliments for our attainments. However, in that way,  we tend to forget what we really need, who we really are in depth. We compare ourselves with others, we get jealous for the things that we don't have and as a result, we transform our lives into a daily marathon.  

It would be really difficult to invent an absolute definition of simple life. People have always different rhythms and the process of changing them it is objective attempt , that requires time, honesty, discipline, and introspection. We are often confused about our priorities and we are afraid to say “no”, to reject the unnecessary. That is because we have time and space to oscillate , until we finally yield to pressure. Think of how many people you know, or you read about, that, after a hard period , an illness , a loss or an accident they changed completely their minds about what is important and what is not. We need to be persuaded that in life, we don’t constantly sit on examinations and we will never fulfill the unrealistic dream of an absolute satisfaction of our wills. Here are some ways of doing it :

Dare to say “no” :  How many times did you agree with something that you didn’t really want to, because of guilt or fear that you will be rejected? And the worse part, of course, is that, once this pile of conventional acceptances starts growing , you’re losing a part of yourself at the same time. In order to satisfy others , you gradually forget what you really want. Many people describe that as a need for oxygen. Breathing without feeling guilty is of vital importance.

ü   Organize your mind: Dare to make to-do lists and follow them every day. It provides a sense of security that doesn’t allow you to get lost. Reduce over-thinking and getting lost in choices. Follow your intuition.

     Reduce the drama: Unspoken failures , bad gossip and complaints about mistakes release toxicity. Face your problems and complexes with honesty, admit your mistakes , talk about them openly and remember that you only have chosen how to think and spend your life. Stop worrying about things that you know in depth, it doesn't worth sweating about. Forgive yourself eventually, and move on.
     Plan your future: Make a 5-month or even a one- year plan about the things you would want to accomplish. It doesn't matter if you check out all of them. During the journey you may discover things about yourself that you couldn't imagine.

     Life is like a piece of art, that prevents you from seeing its true meaning, if you only have one point of view. Taking some steps back will help us evaluate things from a distance and finally, appreciate them in the right way.
     Albedo (Μαρία)



Elizadeath said...

I will not refer to set phrases as far as this blog is concerned. But I would certainly like to focus on truths either untold or widely acknowledged throughout humanity's long and queer journey- however, undoubtedly magnificent. Truths that I detected in such an article. Truths that are closely connected to my past, present and possibly future life, although I want to believe that during the pace of MY life's time, I become more and more able to grasp the little pearls of wisdom that surround me.

Here we go then:

1)Consumerism: one of the main things that absorb most of our daily energy along with stress. The new EXTRA-comfortable sofa of our next-door neighbour provides us with a nap equivalent to a 12-hour sleep in comparison to our low class sofa that only makes our back ache.Result?:new sofa-a must-for every household!!Let alone the products of our frantic Digital Era..
Uh..Yes, I would call it a Marathon with a capital M!However, I want to be excluded from this category for being..'clear' due to my right family education- at least at a large percentage.

2)What about an other gender of Marathon?The one you mentioned,too, young ''albedo'':D:D..What happens when the trophy becomes the target rather than the quality in you?What happens when you seek people's compliments at the cost of your own accomplishments! Why should your own people constitute a constant source of stress for THEIR acceptance?What about you own acceptance?Your own moralities, tastes, talents, dreams? In My case.. discipline is an unknown word. My wants are lower as priorities in real life than they are in my own mind. Part of me feels comfortable in this vicious cycle.. But anyway, cheer up.. Worse are coming :P:P

3)Here, in this last part, comes a wonderful subject, a curse and a blessing that defeats many other ''problems'' of our life. What happens after a loss? What is meaningful and what is not? Do we mourn? Of course.. But what comes next IN you? Supposedly you set aside the whole event as something personal, what do you, yourself, refine and what do you keep as a most valuable amulet?Who are you really?

I am not sure I have answers! But I believe in a climax of problems that if they oblige you to reach the bottom, only then you are able to set YOU as a priority and do what You Μαρία consult us to do!

A very clear and powerful article for also powerful self- questions. And when I talk about ''self'' I give to it both an individual and a corporate meaning.

Let me finish with something like that.. Something I am sure you remember;)..
'I being poor have only my dreams;I have spread my dreams under your feet;Tread softly because you tread on my dreams'
To all the ones who are next to us in time of need. May they never be source of stress, sadness or pain. And May they always be there either body and soul or only soul and shed some of their auras' magical light upon our dark human sides..

Have a nice start fellas..

Μαρία said...

Thank you so much Elizadeath for your amazing answer and your time! Always a pleasure to hear from you ;) Keep in touch!

little mermaid said...

I totally agree with your point of view.We are constantly trapped in a world that confuses and tortures us with many stressful ways.We really have to find a way to remain balanced and healthy mentally and physically by changing some aspects of our lives.Let's simplify our lives and yet stop feeling that we always have to prove that we deserve to be called human beings.
Theoritically,simplicity by organizing our lives and saying 'no' to what we don't want to experience are really good tips for everyone.Although we have to face the fact that we live in a global world that is gradually collapsing economically,ethically and socially.It's a fact that if the society cannot find a way to flourish,then it's very difficult for 'her' parts to survive.Our generation is being found in a trapped place,trying to evolve in a word full of daily dramas.Consequently,simplicity and the sense of 'well being' seem to be so unrealistic some times.This is why more and more young people tend to go through desperate phases as far as their personal dilemmas are concerned.I don't want to be a fool pessimistic person.I totally appreciate your tips about simplicity and quality in every day life.Although,i for one support that our lives would be more simple and delightful,if we first had the chance to transform our society and then tried to experiment on which things could simplify our daily routine on a personal basis ;).I have to admit that my point of view may seem a little bit irrelevant,but that's the point of conversation in the 'blog world' :D :D :D.

You are a wonderful and potential writer who can give food for thought.I can't wait for your partner to elaborate on these issues :).
Have a nice start guys!!!I'm going to be a huge supporter of you.

Μαρία said...

what an answer!Haha.Give the example chris! Follow a simple life , worry less , enjoy more ;) Thanks for the support , the compliments and all the warm welcome sweet little mermaid :)
