Friday, November 12, 2010


Dear reader... Have you ever crossed paths with any of those questions that make one look up to the stars and wonder? Well then, if you have, this post is for you.

As I was reading a modern physics book, I stumbled upon a few theories about the group of multiple universes, or "the Multiverse", as physicists conveniently named it. Let's put aside all the theory behind this subject and I wonder something: do we really have a plan?
In this book I was reading, there was a reference to a man's relatively simple theory about this multiverse of many dimensions that go far beyond the third. In simple lines, the theory says that each dimension is like an infinite set of previous ones combined. In the zero dimension there is a point; in the first dimension, a line will contain an infinite number of points; in the second, a plane will be made of an infinite number of lines all parallel; in the third, planes will be set parallel too and create a 3D space; in the 4th there will be a hyperspace, or "time" that will contain infinite snapshots of 3D pictures... like cinema!

So what is my point? In these dimensions, everything gains parallel versions, which is very useful, because if we commit a paradox, like traveling back in time to when we didn't exist, it will be solved by getting redirected to that time, but in a universe where that isn't a paradox, a parallel universe with a distorted time line. If you take it a step further, you will easily understand that for a human being, the fourth dimension brings his life's time line, and from the fifth on, it starts to unfold into infinite versions of... himself!

This is amazing, because it means that in one more step, there is any possible life we could have had in this "plan" AND all the lives we couldn't have had, starting from where we did. This brings a problem, that has two possible solutions. We can think of it as a bad thing, because this means two things: 1. once we find out how, we can travel back and forth between dimensions, and reach our dreams easily, plus become anything anytime, predicting everything that will, would, or wasn't supposed to happen in this life, etc... 2. we wouldn't be free (things wouldn't depend on what we choose, since we would be choosing everything simultaneously, in different universes, and there would be no "unchosen" options).

From another perspective, we could see this in a more positive way: 1. in each version of ourselves, we are only aware of that same version, which will never allow us to bring knowledge from one to the other and "spoil" life. This is a bit different from having an "illusion" of freedom... it's more like a guarantee of not spoiling freedom itself, which would be a great engineering feature from whoever built all this. 2. we would not only be free, but also so free that we could even choose between being aware of ourselves in different planes of existence, broadening our freedom exponentially!

So what do you think? Are we puppets of the multiverse, blinded from our own reflections, or are we a multiple reality, gifted with an enormous freedom? Any of the perspectives is valid, and until we travel through any of the possible dimensions, we will have to wonder about this. As for myself, I will of course keep wondering, because thought is life, and I sincerely hope you don't wonder as much as I do =)
Also, here is a very interesting read suggestion for those of you interested in this subject: Fred Alan Wolf's "Parallel universes: the search for other worlds", plus the link to an explanatory video with amazing simplicity:

Hope you enjoyed the little brain teaser I brought you today. Stay tuned and enjoy (don't forget to follow us)



Μαρία said...

This is indeed a really interesting subject and you presented it very well. The theory itself is not easy. Personally, I don't think we have that kind of freedom , and if we do , it doesn't matter in this life. Some people transform this idea in religion while some others in science. To me it's a whole unsolved mystery with many assumptions created by the human mind. We'll never be sure. :)

Elizadeath said...

Good evening again guys..Things start to become a bit difficult now, since I am not much of an expert on this scientific subject!Actually I daresay I am rather a failure in such issues, but I believe I can focus on its philosophical message!
The multiverse theory, which I am aware of only through an episode of the American series Family Guy, seems a really interesting approach towards many of humanity's still unanswered questions. And especially the way Luis puts it, as the ability to chose between different dimensions depending on what you seek for each time (I hope I have interpreted well the article, otherwise whatever I write from now on, will be a total disaster) .
However, I cannot settle down with whether it is something positive, worth believing in, or something that must remain a mystery as Maria says. Although I tend towards Maria's view, my thought runs through many aspects of the subject.
For instance: Wouldn't it be too perfect to lead a wonderful life, with the ability to delete the past and start over with different choices (and thus boring)? Wouldn't it be tiresome for someone to keep deleting their past and present until they find something they like? Wouldn't the pursuit of happiness and meanings of perfectness be vain then? What would remain to live for? To seek for?
Or, something different.. If I had the ability to travel back in time, would I be able to prevent some tragic events of my favourite people's life? And if yes, why is it so important? I am cruel, but I am certainly what I am thanks to them, despite the fact that sometimes I hate what I am.. I am tired of reality's multiple worlds, so it would drive nuts if I wasn't stable at least (something I am not yet of course). Anyway, I won't stay to it much longer..
I can distinct the positive aspects of this theory, but please if you have any answers for my questions, answer back cause it has definitely happened to me to look at the stars and wonder 'what?'. It is a 'what' with many dimensions with many 'why-s' hidden in it..If only there where answers.. Not solutions necessarily, but answers..
You made me wander once again guys..:)

Luís said...

Hello Elizadeath! Thank you for your comment, and thank you for the support. I hope you enjoying reading the post. As for your questions, and people's questions, generally, relatively to this, there are, yes, some answers: There is no past deleting, nor is there any change at all in any of your dimensions. The trick here is that when you choose something that's not in this verson of your life, you get redirected to a version of yourself that could choose it anyway, and you lose awareness of the version you were in before. That's the trick to never spoiling and still augmenting the freedom degree. That way, you can actually live all of your possible lives "simultaneously" (remember there are time differences between some multiverses) without leaving unchosen options behind, but in each instance knowing of only one choice. I hope I clarified this complex part of the problem, and I suggest you watch the video linked in the post. It explains this well, if you keep in mind you can't be aware of two versions at once. =) Keep in touch!

Luís said...

Maria, thank you for your compliment! I hope you found it interesting!But we had already talked about this too =) Another thing: even though what you said is kind of right, don't (please) oppose science to religion as to what people believe in. Keep in mind that I believe in both and in other things as a whole =). S'agapw <3

Μαρία said...

I don't oppose science to religion. They are different things of course. My point was that people try to find answers though them about all those mysteries. And of course I was not referring to you.

Skies untouchable said...

Hey guys have a nice start with albedo&citrinitas and thank you for hosting us.Now if time(fourth dimension)had a recording system,that provided you with the ability to visit its files(other dimensions)and go further in your life,self and choises i think our life would become a very interesting playground when you could run and experiene ultimate poverty and in the same time unimaginable wealth.Do we have this ability?Could this happen for us in the scientifical future i am certainly in no position to tell,but leading a small life in the invisible to men, but still existent chaos of infinity,with,the hanging in the air,sense of other aspects of ourselves and lives that we cannot touch,it is indeed like when we look into the like gazing at them,you are enchanted by them,you would loooove to reach them....but stars are stars and meant to be unreachable,some skies ARE untouchable and some questions are just unchangable,and will for life and emotions and and happiness and despair and creation is an aspect of this UN-knowledge,this,yes that's what i believe,conscious form of freedom.....because who would live and imagine once he reached the stars?And something tells's the view from down that takes your breath away....
Only my point of view,great post Luis,keep up the good work:)

Elizadeath said...

Thank you very much Luis,you made things much clearer now!I didn't catch the point where there is no deleting past, but in fact you get redirected!I see now:):)..Keep up the hard work fellas! And I also want to say that I liked a lot the phrase Skies Untouchable used: it's the view from down that takes your breath away (<3<3) I couldn't agree more!

Unknown said...

Great to read you Luis! It's a really interesting theory with really wonderful options and questions out from it. I personally think, through a practical point of view, that while we wait for 'technical issues' to be solved, we are chained to our timeline. But luckely, we have got the ability to change or even fight against our conditions (genetics, place of birth, social class...) to reach what we call 'dreams'. Everything that makes a whole multiverse worth!
Keep this good work going! Congratulations

Pedro Remiz said...
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Pedro Remiz said...

Good post Luís!

Amazing how this was exactly what I thought some years ago, concerning parellel lines space/time and it still gives me some hope of achieving bliss someday - in the end of "something" that unfortunately remains nameless.

Maybe we'll reach our dreams following this theory in practice - which is not as easy as talking. Maybe we'll even have the chance to create a perfect world with all those different realities we dreamt about...

Who knows?

May Sophia be with you,
Darkside of Innocence - Sophia's Heirs.